Friday, June 12, 2009

And so the journey begins...

On Monday I will be embarking on my 6 week journey through Europe, starting with Prague, Czech Republic.  As we go, I will be reviewing everything from hotels and apartments to attractions.  I have never been to the Czech Republic and am very excited to go there.  I have heard amazing things about it and can't wait to find out if they are true.  Czech back frequently for updated posts and ideas for your next vacation.

Side note.  Currently I am staying at the Super 8 Motel in Troy, Missouri off of Highway 61.  It is the best Super 8 I've ever stayed in.  The rooms are clean and comfortable and the staff has been very helpful.  We were given a room originally with a leaking toilet and they immediately switched us into a suite, which is always a plus.  I highly recommend this hotel to anyway weary travelers wondering into the St. Louis area in the future.


  1. So when are you coming to Portugal?

  2. Someday again I hope. Unfortunately not this least I don't think so.
